- Facebook users worldwide 2019 | Statista (Statista)
- World population – forecast until 2100 | Statista (Statista)
- How Facebook tracks you on Android (
- Schlappe für Bundeskartellamt: Facebook muss Daten nicht entbündeln (heise online)
- THE GREAT HACK | A Netflix Original Documentary | NOW STREAMING (The Great Hack)
- what3words (@what3words) | Twitter (
- Nextcloud (
- ownCloud vs. Nextcloud: Zwei Cloud-Speicher im Test (IONOS Digitalguide)
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- CRE172 Holland und die Hacker (CRE: Technik, Kultur, Gesellschaft)
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- Chernobyl disaster (
- Chernobyl: Official Website for the Miniseries | HBO (HBO)
- Schweres Wasser (
- Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (
- Three Mile Island accident (
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